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Experimental! WARNING! DANGER! Pressure Pulsing with Staccato Espresso on the Flair Entertainment 

Experimental! WARNING! DANGER! Pressure Pulsing with Staccato Espresso on the Flair

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WARNING: When doing this method on Flair, there is a chance the grouphead could open and blow up on you. There is a potential for serious burns and possibly losing your head.

Additionally, there is an experimental method to improve pre-infusion by taping the entire portafilter which risks shooting boiling water into your eye balls.

So proceed at your own risk.

This is my second attempt at Pressure Pulsing on the Flair. I now have the screw in the bottom of the machine to help with stability.

This time, I also made it Staccato. I should say it was my highest scoring shot until I pulled a similar shot on the Kim Express a few hours later at work. So fantastic espresso.

Staccato Espresso: Leveling Up Espresso

If you like, follow me on Twitter and YouTube where I post videos of espresso shots on different machines and espresso related stuff. You can also find me on LinkedIn

Further readings of mine:
My coffee setup

Artisan coffee is overprice

The Tale of the Stolen Espresso Machine

Affordable Coffee Grinders: a Comparison

Espresso : Grouphead Temperature Analysis

Espresso filter analysis

Portable Espresso: A Guide

Kruve Sifter: An Analysis

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